Busy making a difference
Say hello to the caring hands of Southcare’s Senior Customer Service Officer Nicola, and chances are if you have ever rung the office to talk about your services, you would have heard her happy voice!
Nicola is described by customers and colleagues alike as a ray of sunshine and so it’s no surprise her happy voice matches her happy personality!
Working in Southcare’s Customer Service Team, she is responsible for scheduling customers’ services and the rosters of our Home Care Worker Team to ensure our Southcare Stars get the essential help they need to stay independent at home.
“It’s a busy role and I love it because the people I talk to are lovely, as is the wider team I work with,” Nicola says.
Other words used to describe Nicola are “competent, sincere, involved, reliable, trustworthy, flexible, polite and ready for any challenge thrown her way”.
She has great customer service and teamwork skills and brings her big heart and great sense of care for everyone around her to work everyday.
When not busy here at Southcare, Nicola is busy completing her Diploma of Community Services meaning she will be working even more directly with customers in the future.
“I had the opportunity to meet a few customers in their home and complete the annual reviews of their services when I was assisting the Community Home Care Team,” Nicola said.
“I really enjoyed spending one-on-one time with these people and really getting to know them, their personalised care needs, and it helps me better understand the impact that Southcare has to help them remain happy and healthy at home,” she said.
All of this is just some of the reasons Nicola was awarded the “Living the Southcare Values Award” this year at our 40th celebrations. These awards are held every year to acknowledge and recognise people in our team who demonstrate the Southcare values of Quality, Respect, Integrity, Cooperation and Empathy.
The trophy she received is now on display and might be joined by another one soon. You see, she is also training to run a marathon later this year, her second in as many years. We told you she loves being busy and making a difference!
Aged Care Employee Day is on 7 August and acknowledges the more than 360,000 people who care for and support around 1.3 million older Australians who receive aged care services. Take the time to thank a carer today.