Home Care Workers Roger (left) and Jordan describe their work as providing “care, conversation and connection” and they say this with excellent authority because they are father and son!

The dynamic duo are part of the Community Care team at Southcare and they use their caring hands to help our customers live independently at home.

“We have strong family values and Southcare does too, so it has been a great fit for us,” Jordan says.

“Dad joined Southcare first and was telling me for months to come and work here as he said the job was so rewarding and the customers he helps are wonderful,” Jordan says.

“I was working in an office at the time, feeling de-motivated and wanted a change so took Dad’s advice and resigned, joined Southcare and have not had a bad day since!”

“My dad was right – I love this job.”

Roger has worked in community services for over a decade and even longer in the building industry and spent some time as a specialised cleaner with the WA Police and says his role as a carer offers him the greatest sense of freedom and keeps him fit and active.

“We are in and out of customers’ homes, driving on the road, talking to people and helping them with lots of things. There is a real sense of giving back, it really has been life changing!” Roger says.

“I am proud of what we do, proud that we can help people and bring them some joy in their day, and I am proud of my son,” he said.

And proof that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Jordan echoes that sentiment.

“When you grow up with quality, you inherit it, so I have a really strong sense of right and wrong, attention to detail and doing that little bit extra just because it is the right thing to do,” Jordan says.

“This shows in the work we do for our customers, and they benefit from that too,” he says.

“They appreciate the care we give as much as the conversation and connection our work provides, so as much as they thank us, we also thank them too because listening to their stories is one of the best parts of the job.”

Southcare A/Chief Executive Officer Enda Fahy said all aged care workers deserve thanks.

“Aged Care Employee Day is on 7 August and acknowledges the more than 430,000 people who care for and support around 1.5 million older Australians who receive aged care services.

“Join us and take the time to thank a carer today,” Enda says.