Sharing life stories at Southcare
Southcare, its friends at the Southcare Social Centre and students from the John Curtin Leadership Academy collaborated together to produce the e-book Life Stories at Southcare Inc. The e-book is a collection of short stories documenting the life events, wisdoms and perspectives of Norma, Bill, Goldie and Charles, regulars at the Southcare Social Centre.
The inspiration for the book was borne at the Social Centre which hosts seniors events and services throughout the year; and many interesting regulars and volunteers with rich life experiences and histories. Recording their stories seemed an obvious next step; and Southcare were privileged when four of them agreed to share their stories for the community.
Six university students accepted this community project to document life histories at Southcare, offered to the John Curtin Leadership Academy, for its annual leadership program. The students came from diverse international backgrounds including Kenya, Zambia, Malaysia, Zimbabwe and Vietnam. As well as a generational sharing, there would be a cultural history exchange with the life stories having backgrounds in South Africa, England and Australia.
The stories simply told and presented amidst photographs and quotes, take us back to a time when young people rode horses to school in the country, when city areas here in Perth were still paddocks, when going to the movies cost 5 cents, and of events and of international travels associated with the Second World War. The stories also share the philosophies which have sustained these elders over time such as living a Godly life, counting our blessings and not pushing through time.
The words of the story tellers speak for themselves in the stories. The students who interviewed them were similarly inspired. “I am fortunate to have met people that have accomplished so much in their lives that it inspires me to create my own story and my own memories that are yet to be told”, said Bwalya Chilufya, one of the Curtin students who took part in the project.
To find out more about Southcare’s partnerships with the wider community contact us on 9450 6233.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column el_class=”aligncenter”][dt_sc_separator horizontal_type=”single-line”][dt_sc_sociable socials=”facebook,google-plus,linkedin,twitter” style=”rounded-border” class=”aligncenter”][dt_sc_separator horizontal_type=”single-line”][/vc_column][/vc_row]