Community, care and connection will shape Southcare over the next three years following the launch of a new Strategic Plan. 

In launching the plan, Chief Executive Officer Dr Nicky Howe said the time was right with the challenges of 2020 really shining a light on the important role and continued purpose of an essential service. 

“If this year has taught us anything, it is that we are stronger together,” Dr Howe said. 

As Southcarers, our purpose – which is our new purpose detailed in this plan – is to be a proactive carer, connector and contributor in our community. 

 And our new vision is to help people feel engaged, supported and part of their local community. 

 The plan is also underpinned by Southcare’s guiding principles (values) of Quality, Respect, Integrity, Cooperation and Empathy.  

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 The plan has five goals or “caring hands” that define Southcare’s key focus areas for the next three years.  

 “Admittedly, using the word “hands” is a bit of a different way to call a goal, but here at Southcare we like to do things differently!,” Dr Howe said. 

The five caring hands are: 

Community Services  

This goal will see Southcare build its community services in the areas of clinical governance, palliative care and dementia care to offer a more holistic aged care service. 

 Community Connectedness 

This goal will see Southcare continue to build its volunteer base and create more opportunities for its Community Ambassadors so more support can be given to the community. 

Strategic Growth 

This goal will see Southcare diversify its business to reduce its reliance on Government funding. 

Customer-centric Workforce 

This goal will empower all Southcarers, giving them access to the best skills and knowledge to help them do their jobs so our customers – or Southcare Stars as we affectionately call them – can benefit. 

Business Intelligence 

This goal will see Southcare use technology to become more agile in business both inside its buildings and inside its customers homes and in the community. 

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“A lot of work has gone into shaping this new strategic plan and, while we look to the future, we take comfort in it paying homage to our past too. 

Southcare has existed for almost 40 years using many helping hands and we are excited to use our hands to deliver on our new plan as we look to the future. 

“This new plan deepens our community connectedness and will guide us as we continue to protect and connect with a heightened sense of passion, purpose and putting others first. 

This blog is the first in a new, regular series that will see us share news on how we are delivering on our plan. 

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