This is a story of two Sam’s who share more in common than just a name.

You see, they both are keen gardeners and, when not doing that, they are busy looking after the kids.

Sam (on the left) is a gardener with Southcare and Samy (on the right) is one of our Southcare Stars.

In Sam’s case, he has just become a dad for the second time and customer Samy, along with his wife Melanie, look after their daughter’s son in his cherished role as “Papa” and hers as “Nanna”.

Samy receives gardening and domestic help from Southcare in line with his approved care needs.

“Being a large corner block on the hill, there’s always a lot to be done outside, and inside too,” Samy says.

“I’m out here as often as I can and really value the support from Sam who helps me to maintain my garden.

“My wife and I have lived in this home for almost 30 years. We raised our kids here and now help look after our grandson, so staying independent at home is important to us.”

Want to know more? Read about our other Southcare Stars Denis, Kaye, Ted and Delia or join our online community by following us on Facebook for ongoing updates or sign up to receive alerts direct to your inbox.