In 10 years as a volunteer, 77-year-old Peter Cole has helped more than 2,400 local families in the City of South Perth with emergency relief, which he says is “all part of the job”. 

His “job” of course is a community ambassador, a voluntary role that he delivers with enthusiasm every week with Manning-based Southcare, providing food, medical, transport, utilities and clothing vouchers for people in immediate crisis. 

For three hours every week Peter meets with Centrelink clients, assessing their situation and deciding if they are eligible for assistance, as part of our Emergency Relief service. 

“Sometimes it is people in domestic violence situations, other times people need help to pay their bills, or families might need help at the start of the school year because their money has been spent on supplies getting their children back to school. 

“Everyone has a story and for the last 10 years mine has been to listen without judgement and help where I can,” Peter said. 

“This attitude and milestone saw Peter recognised at the annual Southcare “Service and Living the Southcare Values Awards” for his service and demonstration of the Southcare Values of Quality, Respect, Integrity, Cooperation and Empathy. 

Peter’s role as a community ambassador comes from good standing with 39 years’ experience working in a bank. 

“I have a passion for people and after retiring at 65 years of age I wanted to continue to do something that would help, ideally helping in a financial way to help others, so this is a great fit.” 

National Volunteer Week runs from 17-23 May 2021 with the theme of “Recognise. Reconnect. Reimagine.”  

Chief Executive Officer Dr Nicky Howe said volunteers started Southcare and they are the foundation of our organisation and an integral part of Southcare’s story. 

“We are fortunate to have more than 40 community ambassadors helping at Southcare and quite frankly our work as an essential service provider would not happen to the level it does without them,” Nicky said. 

If you would like to volunteer at Southcare or need emergency assistance, contact 9450 6233. 

Peter Cole scaled 1 - Volunteer helps 2,400 locals in 10 years
Volunteer Peter Cole with some of the emergency vouchers