What you are saying about Southcare’s Aboriginal Family Support

Your report on our Aboriginal Family Support is building good rapport… try saying that 10 times fast!
Some of the unbiased words reported by our customers this week included:
- “It’s been an immense help to getting my life back in order. I cannot thank and praise this organisation enough for what they do in our community.”
- “It showed me that people do care and they will give you the support you need, in a time of great need.”
- “I trust Garry, he has my best interests in mind whenever I ask him for help.”
- “It’s helpful and useful information – it’s a good service.”
The feedback was in reference to our Aboriginal Family Support team and forms part of the annual Customer Perception Survey which is run independently by the Department of Communities.
It asks questions directly to Southcare customers who have received services from us in the last 12 months.
Southcare CEO Dr Nicky Howe said Southcare fully supports the survey and encourages feedback at any time.
“We love receiving feedback from our customers as much as we love delivering services to them,” Dr Howe said.
“And we all know a picture paints a thousand words, but this time it is truly the words that are doing all the talking!
“It goes without saying that it takes a special kind of person to work in an industry where you are called to help individuals and families through counselling, support, information, advocacy, practical advice and assistance”.
“The words shared by our customers are testament to the quality of the people we have at Southcare and proof that we all love what we do – helping others and helping our community is the lifeblood that unites us all,” Dr Howe said.
Southcare has been delivering support services to our local Aboriginal community since 1982 as part of our broader emergency relief program which provides food parcels, clothing and blankets to residents in the City of South Perth.
Our Aboriginal Family Support service is coordinated by Garry Gower. Southcare acknowledges the Whadjuk Noongar people as the traditional owners of the land on which our buildings stand. Southcare respectfully recognises Elders both past and present.
Read more on our Aboriginal Family Support service or join our community by following us on Facebook.