23 April 2021 

With the surprise news of WA’s snap COVID-19 lockdown as we head into the ANZAC Day long weekend, I wanted to confirm Southcare’s position so we can continue to #protectandconnect and be a proactive carer, connector and contributor in our community. 

These changes are now in effect and are current until 12.01am Tuesday 27 April 2021.    

Many of these temporary changes have been actioned by us with the February lockdown so we are well equipped to manage. 

also want to reassure everyone that our COVID-19 Response Plan remains firmly in place and is aligned to the current advice from the Department of Health and WA State Government and we continue to monitor the evolving situation as a priority. 

My heart goes out to those who had plans for this long weekend and those who were choosing to remember at ANZAC Day services.  

What this means for you is: 

  • Southcare in-home services will continue to be provided  
  • All Southcarers have masks and will be using these when providing services, in public, in transit and in the office  
  • Southcarers continue to screen all customers before entering homes and will only enter homes if customers are 100% well and have had no contact with the potential risk sites (provided by Healthy WA) or anyone who displays COVID-19 symptoms 
  • Home Care Workers will use full Personal Protective Equipment if needed 
  • Shopping services will be shop by list during this period. Tranport services will continue with Southcarers and customers wearing masks and customers seated in the back seat of the car  
  • Safe physical distancing and appropriate personal hygienecontinues  

We are undertaking a full audit of employees and volunteers whereabouts in relation to the potential risk sites as advised by the State Government. This requires all employees and volunteers to complete ongoing contact tracing declarations and means you can rest assured knowing that we are monitoring all Southcarers movements so that your safety is maximised.    

Contact tracing continues at all Southcare premises with all mandatory sign in registers in place at all of our office locations.  

As always, I invite any questions from you regarding the way we do business and can be contacted on the details below. 

In the meantime, you can follow our COVID-19 update page, stay up-to-date on Facebook or get in touch. 

Dr Nicky Howe
Chief Executive Officer
6117 3050

23 April 2021