With the pleasing news that all interim restrictions from the snap ANZAC Day lockdown are now lifted, we have now returned to pre-lock down practices for our home care and community services. 

Many people talk about returning to the “new normal” but as we like to say: why be normal when you can be extraordinary!? 

We will continue to protect and connect by: 

  • Screening all customers on arrival for a service  
  • Practising safe physical distancing and appropriate personal hygiene 
  • Using contact tracing at all Southcare premises including temperature checks 
  • Delivering ongoing COVID-19 training as appropriate 
  • Keeping our COVID-19 management plan in place

On arrival for your service, our support workers will ask customers the following questions before entering the home: 

  • Have you been in contact with anyone who has tested positive to COVID-19? 
  • Have you been in contact with someone awaiting a COVID-19 test result? 
  • Do you have any fever, dry cough or cold and flu symptoms? 

If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, we will not be able to enter the home at that time. However, we will ensure essential services are delivered by support workers wearing Personal Protective Equipment. 

We continue to treat COVID-19 as a priority to ensure our collective health is maximised and that is why we have zero confirmed cases. 

We encourage you to visit our COVID-19 resources hub which explains all the measures and ongoing quality controls we have in place, and stay up to date on Facebook. 

As always, our caring hands and hearts are available so please reach out if you have any questions or needs. 


Dr Nicky Howe
Chief Executive Officer
6117 3050

20 May 2021