It’s now twice as easy to get free and confidential financial advice from Southcare if you live locally. 

The Manning-based service provider has appointed a second financial counsellor for the first time in its almost 40-year history in response to the challenges faced by those affected by COVID-19. 

Rhonda Livingstone has joined Duncan Edgar in the finance counselling team and brings an additional 25 years’ experience working in community services to help local families.  

Rhonda has been a financial counsellor for 21 years, has a Cert III in Community Services, a Diploma in Financial Counselling and is a recognised supervisor for Financial Counselling. 

“The reality is many people are still feeling the effects of COVID-19 and with the end of the rental moratorium and other pressures, many are struggling, Rhonda said.  

Assisting the most vulnerable and walking alongside them to make positive and progressive changes in their life is a really rewarding experience. 

“I am hearing reports from people that they are feeling the pinch when it comes to meeting rental payments, others are adjusting to job losses and some experience homelessness risk. 

“Offering a free and confidential service to those at a challenging and vulnerable time is the often the catalyst for the change that they need to get through their situation with better clarity and purpose. 

Southcare has provided free financial services since 1985 and in that time has helped thousands of local families navigate difficult financial times.  This is the first time the team has had two dedicated counsellors providing help. 

Services are provided discreetly with a focus on empowering those to manage their financial affairs once they have overcome their immediate hardship.  

Some of the free services available include advice on advocacy, appeals, bankruptcy, bills, budgeting, complaints, debt recovery, housing assistance, negotiations and referrals. 

This new role is funded by the Department of Communities on a 12-month contract. 

If you need financial assistance or advice, contact Southcare on 9450 6233.

Duncan Edgar and Rhonda Livingstone - Double your chances of free and local financial support
Duncan Edgar and Rhonda Livingstone, Financial Counsellors at Southcare