When your husband of two decades has been diagnosed with cognitive decline, it can be hard to see the silver linings, but for Southcare Star Catherine, she says she can now begin to see “little bits of sunshine creeping through”.

Catherine is the primary carer for her husband Len and receives weekly respite support from Southcare.

“Caring for someone is a full-time job, I am always on alert and find myself stopping and starting things over and over because I am interrupted when Len needs my help or attention, there is no “off button” for me, she says.

“Respite is a wonderful reprieve – not only do I have the confidence that Len is in safe and supportive hands, it means my focus can change too.

“Having a break from my caring duties has been wonderful – I feel like I am finding my way back to myself again.

So, while Len is out enjoying the sunshine or having coffee or visiting new places thanks to Southcare, what does Catherine do?

“I have been able to see my girlfriends in person for the first time in five months and had my hair done for the first time in three months!

“I’m starting remedial pilates and want to get back into my art too. You could say that I am focussing more on self-care for myself!

Self-care in this way isn’t a luxury, rather a necessity for all caregivers.

Keep on shining Catherine and Len!