What’s the one thing that’s always on your shopping list? For Southcare Star Taffy, it’s sugar free lemonade, strawberry yoghurt, liquorice and bacon.

“The strawberry yogurt is for my wife Kay but the other things are for me!” he says.

Southcare visits Taffy and Kay four times a week to help around the house as well as with appointments to allied health specialists and doctors, and shopping visits like this one at Waterford Plaza, in line with their approved care needs.

Taffy and Kay no longer drive as both have limited to no vision, and while they live close to the shops, walking long distances is hard.

“Southcare meets us at our home and drives us to the shops, it is a good outing,” Taffy says.

“I feel independent; I can shop for myself, although sometimes I ask for help as seeing things up close can be tricky.

“I also use the time to visit the chemist to get my prescriptions and enjoy being out of the house.

Walking around is good for me, although also too much of it makes me knackered!” he laughs.

Taffy is “22 plus 50” and he has been a customer for 10 years and his wife for 30 years.

Cheers, Taffy and Kay!

Here’s to you, keep on enjoying that sugar-free lemonade!