We love sharing refer a friend stories and this one is a little closer than most… you see, it’s refer a spouse!

Southcare star Kevin has been receiving support from our caring hands and this month his wife Thelma also got assessed and approved for our care too.

Often spouses find that if only one has approved in-home care, the services are required to stop if the approved customer goes into hospital or is away from the home.

To avoid this, we recommend dual assessments so that continuity of care can continue. When Kevin and Thelma stopped by the office to collect their referral vouchers in line with our referral policy, they shared how they might use them.

“Maybe we can buy something for the caravan; our next trip is up the north coast,” Kevin said.

“Or maybe I can buy something for me!” Thelma laughed. 

Want to know more?  Read about Shirley and Geraldine’s refer a friend experience.