Southcare Star Ronald has done some amazing things over his 74 years… one of them was cycling the 2,774kms across the Nullarbor from Adelaide to Perth when he was 30. 

“It took me a good couple of months,” he says. “And it was pretty quiet out there although I did connect with another cyclist who was travelling in the opposite direction, and we had a good yarn,” he laughs. 

Ronald used to camp on the side of the road or in caravan parks along the way and said he just woke up one day thinking it was just something he’d like to do. 

Another amazing thing is that since arriving in WA from his hometown of Tasmania when he was 28, he never applied to get his licence, so has never driven on WA soil for almost half a century, preferring to get the bus everywhere because, as he tells us, it “takes me everywhere”! 

And perhaps the most amazing thing is that he has lived in his Como home for the last 24 years and for the last three years has done so while being blind. 

“A lot of people tell me I am clever doing what I do, being totally independent yet totally vision impaired at home. I have had to re-learn how to do everything and was happy to do that as I don’t want to leave my home and go into care. I love living here, it’s close to everything and I have modified my home, so it is familiar for me and how I like to live,” he says. 

“I use an air fryer to cook, and a twin tub washing machine and can walk to the letterbox to get my mail. 

“Losing my sight was scary – first it was one eye, then the second, and some days are tougher than others, but I have adapted.” 

Southcare visits Ronald once a fortnight to help keep his home tidy plus help with transport, take him shopping, to the bank or to get his hair cut here at this vintage barber shop in line with his assessed and approved care needs. 

We also helped source and provide some aids around the home including a special sensor that attaches to a cup and makes a sound when getting full of liquid, so he can enjoy a cool drink or cuppa, again in support of his approved care needs. 

Keep on being amazing, Ronald! 

Read more about Southcare Stars NoreenShirley and Richard and how they choose to live their best lives too.