As we enter our fifth month of managing COVID-19, we wanted to re-confirm our position to customers, staff and volunteers, particularly with the anticipated news around Phase 5 restrictions later this month.

Our priority with COVID-19 remains unchanged: we want to maximise the safety of our customers, staff and volunteers and mitigate risk of infection and risk. Thanks to our collective vigilance, we are succeeding and have zero cases.

Southcare CEO Dr Nicky Howe said as an essential service, we continue to be guided by the Aged Care Quality Commission and are closely following the news from the State and Federal Governments.

“What that means is that we are voluntarily choosing to keep extra precautions in place compared to the wider community, particularly when Phase 5 comes into effect,” Dr Howe said.

As protectors, we will continue to enforce:

  • 2 sqm physical distancing and, where possible, video meetings will continue via Teams or Zoom
  • Screening of customers and data collection
  • Maintaining personal and customer hygiene
  • Customers sitting in the back seat when being driven, unless they require extensive support to get in the back
  • Recording details of anyone who enters Southcare buildings
  • Cleaning surfaces in Southcare buildings for a minimum of three times a day including sanitizing high traffic areas and common touch points such as stairwells, door handles etc

“We are doing this because we have a duty of care to protect our employees, volunteers and customers and it is in-line with our COVID-19 response plan,” Dr Howe said.

“This is not a drill. As an essential service, we continue to take this seriously and all of our team understand the importance of not being complacent.

“We are aware of what is happening on the East Coast and our thoughts go out to all affected.

“We all remain vigilant. We work with people that are vulnerable and with that comes an element of risk and responsibility.

“Our decision to abide by the Aged Care Quality Commission rules means we continue to have extra precautions in place (regardless of Phase 5) which is why we can continue to protect and connect which means our customers can continue to receive the important social, physical, mental and emotional care they need,” Dr Howe said.

Want to know more? See our dedicated COVID-19 page, join our online community by following us on Facebook for ongoing updates or sign up to receive alerts direct to your inbox.