This Christmas, the team at Southcare is encouraging you to give the gift of giving this year. 

Yes, it is nice to give and receive presents, but it equally important to actually be present. 

Chief Executive Officer Dr Nicky Howe said with the challenges of COVID-19, social isolation, job losses and other hardship, there is no better time to give.  

“Remember the happiest people are not those getting more, rather it is those giving more,” she said. 

To help inspire you these holidays, we have put together a list of people you should reach out to and ways you can do that without actually buying them a present. 

10 people you need to check in on these holidays: 

  • The person who is far away from home 
  • The person who is isolated because of health or travel restrictions 
  • The person who doesn’t need it (because they probably do) 
  • The person who feels like they have nothing to celebrate this year 
  • The person who has lost something this year (a loved one, a job, a sense of purpose) 
  • The person who doesn’t have time 
  • The person with complicated family dynamics 
  • The person you haven’t spoken to in a while (pick up the phone!) 
  • The person working long hours in retail, hospitality or essential services 
  • The person struggling to make ends meet  

And five things you can give instead of a gift: 

  • The gift of time (visit someone, call someone, write a note, be proactive!) 
  • The gift of attention, understanding and empathy (listen for what is said and un-said… that’s where the important stuff often is!) 
  • The gift of service (bake, help out with gardening or jobs around home for others, volunteer or donate) 
  • The gift of touch (hug those that need it, hold someone’s hand or share some high fives… and mean it when you do it!) 
  • The gift of actually being present (yes, put those screens away!  Tune out of devices and tune into the real world) 

The last 12 months has really brought home what is important,” Dr Howe said.  

We are asking everyone to be a carer, connect with others and contribute to your community.   We often hear about all being in this together so let’s do that by uniting, helping and giving.  

“Remember too that Christmas is just one day of the year and while it is important to reach out at this time it should be something we all do every day. 

The gift is in the giving. Join us, wont you? 

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