As we all know, this Birak and Bunuru season means we are in for a long and hot summer and so our caring hands are here to remind you of the risks of dehydration and how to recognise its signs. Understanding precautionary measures can help prevent this common issue among our senior community.

Medical professionals highlight that older adults are more susceptible to dehydration due to age-related physiological changes that affect water metabolism and fluid balance. Dehydration can lead to several adverse health effects and, in severe cases, may even be life-threatening.

Key signs of dehydration include a decreased thirst sensation, reduced food and fluid intake, and disorientation.

It is particularly important for seniors who live at home alone to be able to identify symptoms of dehydration and to ensure to keep up their fluid intake.
What are the signs of mild to moderate dehydration?

  •  Mental disorientation, including confusion
  • Decreased urine output (or darker in colour than usual)
  • Lethargy
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of skin elasticity (white marks will appear if pinched)
  • Sunken eyes
  • Headache
  • Rapid body weight loss of 2% – 7%

How should you manage and treat dehydration?

  • Increase fluid intake to restore fluid balance
  • Space out fluid intake throughout the day
  • Alternate fluid intake with formulated solutions that contain a combination of electrolytes and glucose to assist with rapid rehydration
  • Stay out of the direct heat and rest in a cool environment
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol due to its diuretic effect

In extreme weather, doctors also recommend the use of electrolyte supplements which increase hydration levels and ensure the severe consequences of dehydration in older people are avoided.

You should discuss any dehydration treatments with your doctor before taking any hydration supplements, or if you suspect that you have dehydration symptoms that persist or become severe, seek medical attention immediately.

Of course, if you need a hand staying healthy and independent at home, our caring hands are always ready to help!  Please reach out if you need support.

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